Ice Cream Social and Concert
City : Hallowell, ME - Hubbard Free Library
Venue : Hubbard Free Library
Address : 115 Second St. Hallowell, ME
Time : 11:00 a.m.
What is better than ice cream? … Well… Ice cream and music! So, that’s what we’re scooping at the Hubbard Free Library this Saturday. Summer readers, come on down and pick up a cone of your fave flave, and then warm back up with some hot tunes from yours truly, Matt Loosigian. Woah, I can’t wait! What you’ll hear; bluesy, rockin’ jams, some familiar, and some original to get you singing along and feeling good.
Is that not enough incentive to get you there? Well, you better stick around for the noon drawing for a bicycle and Barne’s and Noble gift certificate! Did he say BICYCLE? Why, yes he did. That’s right, you could be riding away on your brand spankin’ new two wheeler. So, get on down to the Hubbard Free Library this Saturday and check it out!