Brio! at Slates with Ed Desjardins
City : Brio! at Slates in Hallowell
Venue : Slates Restaurant
Address : 167 Water St. Hallowell, ME
Time : 8:15
What happens when you bring together three talented songwriters, three fine vocalists, and three artists trained in improvisational singing? You get a trio named BRIO! Deb Hensley, Matt Loosigian and Martin Swinger have been singing together for over seven years– initially as part of Maine’s premier vocal improv quintet, ImproVox. When ImproVox shifted its focus to become a wider collective for improvisational artists, Deb, Matt and Martin continued to imagine new ways to keep singing together. Brio presents an eclectic selection of original songs, creative covers, and quirky classical daring-do. Spicing it all up with invented moments of unplanned music, the harmonic magic in the power of three shines forth. BRIO! shares exactly what the world needs more of: powerful songs, lush harmonies, meaningful messages and inspired audience participation through workshops and in concert.
Tickets $15
Call 622-9575 to reserve tickets.